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Quality policy and environmental policy

Kokubun Seiko Co., Ltd. recognizes that it is a social responsibility to protect the global environment as a company that can contribute to the development of the manufacturing industry through business activities related to the manufacture of machined parts. We will carry out activities in accordance with our environmental policy.

・ Safety is a priority in everything.
・ Accurately and accurately grasp customer requirements to improve trust and customer satisfaction.
・ Comply with laws and regulations and regulatory requirements.
・ In our business activities, we will consider environmental conservation and strive to reduce the impact on the environment.
・ Promote resource saving and energy saving, reduce waste emissions, and strive to prevent pollution.
・ We will continuously improve these activities and become a strong and competitive company.

This quality / environmental policy will be documented and distributed to employees so that they will be well known, and will be made publicly available upon request.

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